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Being a pastor gives you a unique lens -- being a female pastor who doesn't fit the mold gives you a REALLY unique lens. Here are some thoughts as I try and understand the world around me through that lens.

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category one

Created to Create

January 4, 2016

“We were created to create.” I am not sure where I first heard it, but I think I have always intrinsically known it was true. I feel closest to God when I am creating. When I lose myself in writing, painting, singing, or even poorly playing my guitar, I am worshiping. The problem is when […]

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Created to Create

January 4, 2016

“We were created to create.” I am not sure where I first heard it, but I think I have always intrinsically known it was true. I feel closest to God when I am creating. When I lose myself in writing, painting, singing, or even poorly playing my guitar, I am worshiping. The problem is when […]

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50 Shades of Grace- The Clothes don’t make the Woman

April 29, 2015

With all the strange ethos that surround sexuality and dating in Christian culture, it’s no wonder that people don’t know what to do with the idea that I could be a gendered sexual being. I have met many women clergy who, after taking this job and working for several years, began to look less and […]

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50 Shades of Grace- the awkward sexuality of a Pastor

April 15, 2015

  The other day I sat across from two young men who were questioning a lot about faith and church. We decided to go grab coffee and had great conversations that jumped all over the place. Eventually it got quiet and one said, “this is going to embarrass my buddy, but do you date?” Now […]

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