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Being a pastor gives you a unique lens -- being a female pastor who doesn't fit the mold gives you a REALLY unique lens. Here are some thoughts as I try and understand the world around me through that lens.

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category one

Created to Create

January 4, 2016

“We were created to create.” I am not sure where I first heard it, but I think I have always intrinsically known it was true. I feel closest to God when I am creating. When I lose myself in writing, painting, singing, or even poorly playing my guitar, I am worshiping. The problem is when […]

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Created to Create

January 4, 2016

“We were created to create.” I am not sure where I first heard it, but I think I have always intrinsically known it was true. I feel closest to God when I am creating. When I lose myself in writing, painting, singing, or even poorly playing my guitar, I am worshiping. The problem is when […]

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